The real estate market of the Czech Republic is represented by approximately 3000 agencies. The most famous of them are M&M Reality, ReMax, Century 21 – giants in the real estate sector, which have many subsidiaries working on the franchise and provide clients with a basic set of services.
Customer expectations
There are no criteria for a good, high-quality service, because, despite the standard set of services, each of them is implemented in different agencies in its own way.
In our opinion, the service in the Czech Republic agencies is at a fairly low level. Our company has been worried about this issue for a long time, so we spend a lot of time analyzing our work and that of our colleagues. In the course of brainstorming on this issue, we came to the conclusion that such moments are important for the owners of real estate:
- security of the transaction (real estate should be checked to exclude possible debts or fraud);
- Adequate assessment of the client’s real estate assets;
- Agreements drawn up in accordance with the rules from a legal point of view;
- A competent and consistent marketing strategy to promote real estate on the market;
- qualified assistance throughout the entire period of cooperation, including the transfer of the facility and the transfer of utility services;
- legal support in all matters.
If you, as the owner of the real estate, have any more comments or wishes, we will be glad to listen to them.

Additional services of Prestige Group
However, we want our customers to receive better service, so we provide an expanded range of services:
- Professional photographer takes high quality and spectacular photos (free of charge).
- Distribution and advertising of information in 3 languages (English, Russian and Czech).
- Rental agreement from a lawyer (free of charge).
- The announcement is placed on specialized portals, in social networks and on the site.
- Evaluation of the value of real estate (free of charge).
- Only checked, reliable clients (check on debts).
- If the reservation is signed, but the signing of the rental agreement has not taken place, the company is obliged to pay a fine for the time of downtime of the apartment in the amount of up to 50%.
- Lease agreements are concluded for at least 1 year.
- We work without days off, 24 hours a day.
- Filters for tenant selection are set according to the client’s requests.

Summing up, I would like to note that a product competently presented on the market (high-quality photos, correctly compiled ad), consideration of the client’s wishes in the selection of the tenant, provision of a full package of documents, translation of utilities by proxy, search for a replacement tenant (if necessary) — this is the key to the successful and fruitful work of the client and the real estate agency.
Prestige Group, at all stages of cooperation, tries to create comfortable conditions for clients and provide not only a wide range of services, but also highly qualified service.