2023 is a good time to sell
Your real estate and new investments.

Evaluate my property

To compile the report, we ask you to provide the most accurate information about the property.

    Property Address. For a more accurate assessment (specify the flat number) *

    Apartment type *

    Area of the object *, m2

    Why did you once decide to buy this property? What are the features of the property itself and its location? *

    Is there a storage/compartment attached to the flat? *

    Is there a parking space attached to the flat? *

    What floor is the flat located on? *

    Contact details *

    By pressing the button, you agree to our privacy policy

    Our approach

    We pride ourselves on changing the perception of real estate service and you no longer have to fear fraud, negligence and tenant problems.
    We keep you informed of all changes and embrace new technologies and sales techniques. Thanks to our quality presentations of properties and large volume of servers, we receive the highest number of candidates.

    Legal aspects

    All contracts and agreements drawn up within the framework of our partnership comply with legal regulations and provide reliable protection. They are drafted by a leading law firm in the Czech Republic specializing in criminal law. This company is insured and, due to its professionalism and quality of work, is constantly among the leaders of the legal industry in the country.

    About us

    Our team consists of nine professionals in the property market in the Czech Republic. Thanks to the expertise of our team we provide the best services in the field of renting, selling, management and financing. Our portfolio includes over 50 flats under management and more than 120 satisfied clients every year.
    We are proud to have changed the perception of real estate service and you no longer have to fear deceptions, negligence and problems with tenants.

    Our services

    We focus our efforts in four distinct areas of expertise concerning real estate.
    The best way to turn investments into a stable source<br src=of income">


    The best way to turn investments into a stable source
    of income

    Conduction of transactions for the sale of objects, from appraisal to full support


    Conduction of transactions for the sale of objects, from appraisal to full support

    Comprehensive management of real estate objects<br src=in Prague">


    Comprehensive management of real estate objects
    in Prague

    Full registration of mortgages and with consultation during the whole process.


    Full registration of mortgages and with consultation during the whole process.

    Property valuation

    Property valuation

    The best way to find out the value of your investments