About Prestige Group

About us

Our team consists of nine real estate professionals in the Czech Republic. Thanks to the team’s experience, we provide the best services in rental, sales, management, and financing. Our portfolio includes over 50 managed apartments and more than 120 satisfied clients each year.

We are proud to have changed the perception of real estate services, so you no longer need to worry about fraud, negligence, or tenant issues.

We always keep you informed about all changes and use new technologies and sales methods. Thanks to high-quality property presentations and a large number of advertising platforms, we attract the highest number of potential clients.

Our company is engaged in the rental of apartments and the sale of housing. New buildings and other objects in our portfolio.

Our services

We focus our efforts in four distinct areas of expertise concerning real estate.
The best way to turn investments into a stable source<br src=of income">


The best way to turn investments into a stable source
of income

Conduction of transactions for the sale of objects, from appraisal to full support


Conduction of transactions for the sale of objects, from appraisal to full support

Comprehensive management of real estate objects<br src=in Prague">


Comprehensive management of real estate objects
in Prague

Full registration of mortgages and with consultation during the whole process.


Full registration of mortgages and with consultation during the whole process.

Property valuation

Property valuation

The best way to find out the value of your investments


Petr Vos

Chtěl bych poděkovat pana Glinského za výpomoc s prodejem bytu. Vše proběhlo rychle, precizně a hlavně s jednoduchosti.

Petr Čížek

Děkují mnohokrát za provedenou práci s prodejem mého domku. Našli zájemce velmi rychle a jednání proběhlo jednoduše.

Jana Vepřeková

Chtěli bychom poděkovat panu jednateli za všechny služby. Pan Glinskiy nám umožnil prohlídku domu, o který jsme měli zájem a následně jsme ho skutečně koupili. 🙂 Vše probíhalo v přátelské rovině, pan Glinskiy byl vždy na příjmu, co slíbil, to dodržel… 🙂 Čekali jsme na vyřízení hypotéky, které se povedlo, takže nakonec byly spokojené všechny strany (my, realitní agentura i původní majitelka domu) a koupili jsme dům našich snů. Píšu tedy pro budoucí klienty a zájemce, nemusíte se bát, ačkoliv je majitel mladý, je zkušený a hlavně milý. 🙂 S přítelem doporučujeme! Jana Vepřeková a Jaroslav Weinfurtner


Děkují za dobře odvedenou práci. Hezká prezentace bytu a vyjednání podmínek s nájemcem.

How to rent a flat if it is in another city? Real estate agency in Prague PRESTIGE GROUP

In this video you will learn about the real estate agency PRESTIGE GROUP, which provides comprehensive property management in Prague:
- Recalculation of utility bills
- Communication with the housing board of the building
- Check-in and check-out process
- Selection and management of tenants
- Ensures the safety of the property.

Our licenses and certificates